
Bath(風呂):when we invite someone to our house, we recommend one to take a bath before serving dinner as a hospitality. We want him to relax himself in the hot bath. Bath is for relaxation rather than cleaning himself. There are many hot springs in Japan. We go there to have a relax time. It is not strange for us to have a bath with several people in the hotel or inn. "Bathroom" is only for a bath, not the toilet.
Gesture(ジェスチャー):we point to our nose to indicate ourselves. We have "come here" with the palm face down.
Noise(音):when we eat noodle or miso-soup, sucking noise is not impolite. It is difficult to eat them without making noise.
Sumimasen(すみません):It has three meanings, Thank you, Excuse me and I'm sorry.
Reverse(さかさま):Japanese carpenter pull the saw toward him. Gifts are opened away from the giver of the gift. We remove our shoes first instead of hat.
Umbrella(かさ): In Japan whenever it begins to rain, we see them blossom everywhere.
When we talk with others, we do not always see other's eyes.
Handshake(握手):It is rare for us to shake hands. When we meet somebody, we only bow. When we part from somebody and we can't see him for a long time, we shake hands. Or when someone gets first prize, we shake hands to communicate our happy feeling. We seldom kiss in the public.
Fish(魚):Japan is surrounded by sea. We like to eat fish in several ways of cooking. It is common to see the fish's face on the table and eat raw fish.
School(学校):The school year starts in April and finishes in March.
Car makers(自動車メーカー): Toyota, Nissan, Honda, Matsuda, Isuzu, Mitubishi, Daihatu,etc.
Electric Makers(電気メーカー):Panasonic, Sonny, Sanyo, Toshiba, Sharp, Fujitu, NEC etc.
Study(勉強):High school students study hard, while university students enjoy school life.
Nod(うなづき):We nod our head to show we are listening, to show, we understand, or to show we agree,etc.
Finger(指):Little fingers means a girl friend. To form a circle means money.

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