Jomo Karuta

Jomo Karuta introduces historical figures, famous places and products in Gunma prefecture, Japan.

turu Gunma Prefecture, shaped like a crane in flight.(つる舞う形の群馬県)
Reminiscent of the old Nakasendo road, the cedars lining the avenue in Annaka.(中仙道しのぶ安中杉並木)
Leeks and Konnyaku, famous products of Shimonita.(ねぎとこんにゃく下仁田名産)
Young and old clad alike in summer kimono dancing to the Yagibushi folk song.(そろいの仕度で八木節音頭)
A great samurai in history, Yoshisada Nitta.(歴史に名高い新田義貞)
Fukiwari Falls, a wonder of the Katashina Valley.(滝は吹割片品渓谷)
The hot springs of Shima cleanse the body and soul.(世のちり洗う四万温泉)
takasaki Takasaki City, bridge between the Kanto and Shin-etsu Regions.(関東と信越つなぐ高崎市)
Father of Japanese math, Kowa Seki.(和算の大家関孝和)
Feat of engineering, the looping tunnel of Shimizu.(ループで名高い清水トンネル)
A great merchant from Numata, Tasuke Shiobara.(沼田城下の塩原太助)
Ideal source of electricity, Gunma's mighty rivers.(理想の電化に電源群馬)
Gunma's population a combined force of two million.(力あわせる二百万)
The tone, the largest river in the Kanto Region.(利根は坂東一の川)
niizima Advocate of peace and Christian education, Jo Niijima.(平和の使途新島襄)
Great novelist of Japan, Katai Tayama, the pride of Gunma.(誇る文豪田山花袋)
Hanayama Park in Tatebayashi, just the spot for azeleas.(花山公園つつじの名所)
Agriculture leader in Meiji Japan, Denjibei Funatsu.(老農船津傳次平)
The hot springs of Ikaho, among the best in Japan.(伊香保温泉日本の名湯)
Oze's enchanted wetlands, fields upon fields of flowers.(仙境尾瀬沼花の原)
kannon Blessing us from her hill, Kannon, white-garbed Goddess of Mercy.(百衣観音慈悲の御手)
Twin burial mounds, testimonies to the ancient kingdom of Kenokuni.(しのぶ毛の国二子塚)
Attracting skiers and climbers, Minamata and Mt. Tanigawa.(水上、谷川スキーと登山)
Isesaki City, home of beautiful Meisen silk.(銘仙織出す伊勢崎市)
Kiryu City, home of silk-weaving in Japan.(桐生は日本の機どころ)
Winter cherry blossoms rival in beauty the Samba-stone, in Onishi Town.(三波石と共に名高い冬桜)
asama Mt. Asama's vast lava beds, creation of a mischievous demon.(浅間のいたずら鬼の押出し)
Gunma's own native son, Mozaemon, tragic here of the poor.(天下の義人茂左衛門)
The good luck of Daruma dolls, at shorinzan.(縁起だるまの小林山)
The raccoon dog in Morinji Temple can change into a teakettle.(分福茶釜の茂林寺)
A beacon of Christianity in Japan, Kanzo Uchimura.(心の燈台内村鑑三)
Maebashi, the capital of Gunma, the city of raw silk.(県都前橋生糸の市)
Gunma, top producer of silk cocoons and raw silk in Japan.(繭と生糸は日本一)
kusatu The hot springs of Kusatsu, curative for your ills.(草津よいとこ薬の温泉)
Fantastic Agatsuma Canyon, without a rival in Japan.(耶馬渓しのぐ吾妻峡)
Kanayama in Ota, home of Donryu, the patron saint of children.(大田金山子育て呑龍)
Mt. Haruna, a good place to hike and camp.(登る榛名のキャンプ村)
The ruins of an ancient checkpoint, at Usui Pass.(碓氷峠の関所跡)
The old monument of Togo, telling us of ancient times.(昔を語る多胡の古碑)
Thunder and dry winds, a deep sense of civic duty and humanity, characterize Gunma.(雷と空風義理人情)
The silk mill in Tomioka City, first in Japan.(日本で最初の富岡製糸)
Dating far back in history, Nukisaki Shrine.(ゆかりは古し貫前神社)
The long gentle slopes, Mt. Akagi.(裾野は長し赤城山)
Draped in the reds and golds of autumn, gorgeous Mt. Myogi.(紅葉に映える妙義山)

English Version by Gunma Cultural Association(1998)2-1-9 koun-cho Mebashi 371-0025.

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