キャトリオナ Catriona(1893)
殺人事件の犯人と間違えられたデビッド・バルフォア(David Balfour)は前途に多難が待ち受けている。そんな時、ふと知り合ったキャトリオナに愛情を抱く。

I saw her face for the first time. There is no greater wonder than the way the face of a young woman fits in a man’s mind, and stays there, and he could never tell you why; it just seems it was the thing he wanted. She had wonderful bright eyes like stars, and I dare say the eyes had a part in it.

Next it came upon me I was acting for the sake of justice; and I thought that a fine word, and reasoned it out that (since we dwelt in politics, at some discomfort to each one of us) the main thing of all must still be justice, and the death of any innocent a man wound upon the whole community.

I thought her a lass of a clean honour, like a man's; I thought her one to die if a disgrace.

Let me have one to believe in me! I cannae been it else. The whole world is clanned against me. How am I to go through with my dreadful fate? If there's to be none to believe in me, I cannot do it. The man must just die, for I cannot do it.

If folk dinnae ken what you're doing, David, they're terrible taken up with it; taken up with it; but if they think they ken, they care nae mair for it.

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