旅はロバをつれて Travels with a donkey(1879)
1878年9月22日、物好きにも一頭のロバをつれて異国南フランスのセバンヌ山脈の北端の寒村Le Monastierを出発し、山を越えたり、松林の中で一夜を明かしたりして、南方Gardon河畔のAlaisに至る12日間の旅日記である。

The best that we find in our travels is an honest friend. He is a fortunate voyager who finds many. We travel, indeed, to find them. They are the end and reward of life.

It will readily be conceived that I couldn’t carry this huge package on my own, merely human, shoulders.

What I required was something cheap and small and hardy, and of a stolid and peaceful temper; and all these requisites pointed to a donkey.

I am worthy the name of an Englishman, and it goes against my conscience to lay my hand rudely on a female.

For my part, I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel’s sake. The great affair is to move.

Alas, as we get up in life, and are more preoccupied with our affairs, even a holiday is a thing that must be worked for.

There is a fellowship more quiet even than solitude, and which, rightly understood, is solitude made perfect. And to live out of doors with the woman a man loves is of all lives the most complete and free.

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