水車小屋のウイル Will O' The Mill(1887)

You would feel quite ashamed if you knew how the little fellows in these fairy cities of yours are all after the same sort of nonsense, and keep breaking their heart to get up into the mountain.

A city is so hard a place for people who are poor and sensitive that many choose to die by their hand.

Thousands of people live and die like you, and are none the less happy.

We are in a rat-trap.

They are a deal better off where they are, and look a deal better, if you go to that.

I offer all my heart's best affection.

Marriage is not worth while, and we had best stay friends.

When I was a boy, I was a bit puzzled, and hardly knew whether it was myself or the world that was curious and worth looking into. Now, I know it is myself, and stick to that.

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