オララ Olalla(1881)

The soul and the body are one, and mostly so in love. What the body chooses, the soul loves; where the body clings, the soul cleaves; body for body, soul to soul, they come together at God’s signal.

We are all such as He was---the inheritors of sin; we must all bear and expiate a past which was not ours; there is in all of us--- ay, even in me---- a sparkle of the divine. Like Him, we must endure for a little while, until morning returns bringing peace.

ファレサの浜 The Beach of Falesa
He spoke kind of fierce and eager.

But troubled was no word for it.

He was yellow and smallish, had a hawk's nose to his face.

She swore a Bible was no use.

But she told me a gun was of no use with the like of these.

I might have been the only living creature this side of Cape Horn.

I must have stood quite a while.

This was the only case where five had been slain the same day. (5人がまさに同じ日に殺された真相であった。)

I don't value native talk a four penny piece.

Many birds hovered round the play, some of them snow-white.

内陸旅行 An Inland Voyage(1878)
If a man finds a woman admire him, were it only for his acquaintance with geography, he will begin at once to build upon the admiration.

She was a Samoa woman, and dyed her hair red, Samoa style.

Though I saw he was a tough nut to crack, I was nowadays cast down.

The room was stifling hot.

I've come here to trade, tell him, and not to make friends.

You may call me a coward to be frightened.

These forests were too wet to kindle.

I thought it might cost me my life.

The house was dirty, and low and small.

南海の地にて In the South Seas(1890)
A notable feature is the evening game of cards.

---and a pillar built, perhaps breast-high..

フランシャールの宝 The treasure of Franchard(1882)

He is the thief; he took the treasure from as man unfit to be entrusted with its use; he brings it back to me when I am sobered and humbled. These are the Fruits of my teaching, and this moment is the Reward of my life.


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